Christian Homeschool Program

University-Model® Classical Homeschooling

Arise Classical Academy provides an excellent University-Model® option for Christian homeschoolers in Pittsburgh. We offer a hybrid approach to education. Our program shares in the joy of homeschooling with parents. By partnering with us, you can gift your child a comprehensive academic and skill-building education alongside other Christian families in Pittsburgh. A combination of home learning and in-person Christian education will allow your student to experience the benefits of both systems.

Connect With Other Christian Families

By choosing Arise Classical Academy, parents and students will have the opportunity to partner with a supportive community of like-minded families who share common values centered around serving God, engaging in rich conversations, and fostering a lifelong learning attitude. This sense of community especially benefits students, building peer relationships with others on a similar educational and faith journey.

Benefits of the University-Model®

The University-Model® offers support in the homeschooling experience. Students benefit from the flexibility of homeschooling while also enjoying the advantages of in-person instruction. This combination allows for a well-rounded education that values a student’s development in academic and social aspects.

The program aims to provide an academic and skill-building education that goes beyond traditional classroom settings. Through this hybrid homeschool educational approach, Arise Classical Academy seeks to create a supportive and enriching environment where students can thrive academically, spiritually, and socially.

Enrollment and Homeschool Assessment

Parents are responsible for registering their child as homeschooled with the local school district as part of the enrollment process for Arise Classical Academy’s hybrid learning program. We will help each student develop their portfolio and arrange their assessment with a Pennsylvania homeschool evaluator. Our courses are designed to meet and exceed Pennsylvania state’s expectations of the education of homeschooled students.

Teaching and Parental Support

Parents are considered their children’s primary teachers when registered as homeschooled. By choosing Arise Classical Academy, your child will gain a Christian homeschool education through courses led by our fantastic teachers. Parents are not expected to teach our subjects, simply to support and encourage their children in their studies. You may choose to provide additional activities or resources for your child to complement our classical curriculum. The state requires parents to provide evidence of forty home education days and their child’s involvement in music and physical education. Arise Classical Academy’s activities can be included in this.

Statement of Faith

We believe that a parent’s key role is to be their child’s consistent primary educator, as instructed in Deuteronomy 6:6-7: “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

As such, parents and primary caregivers must share our Statement of Faith so we can best collaborate in your child’s education. We are more than happy to discuss our Statement of Faith with families who are considering enrolling with Arise Classical Academy’s online Christian homeschool programs.

Find Out More

Arise Classical Academy is curating an exciting Christian homeschool curriculum. We’d love to discuss how we can partner with you to provide your child with an excellent classical, Christ-centered education. Get in touch with us at +1(412)600-3579 or email our Head of School at