Portrait of Graduate

Dynamic Leader

Acts with quiet resolve to catalyze generational change in obedience to the Great Commission

Graduates have leadership skills cultivated and developed throughout their high school experience. As they begin 9th grade, students will develop leadership skills through participation in our mentorship and apprenticeship programs. We regulate our class sizes so that students are in smaller groups and, therefore, must participate in class discussions developing essential communication skills for leaders.

Lifelong Learner

Engages in the discipline and delight of self-education

Disciples are students, and the role of a disciple does not end upon high school graduation. We equip students to understand, appreciate, and model the traits of a lifelong learner. We aim for students to not just have a specific goal in mind of obtaining a successful job or high wages but instead have a natural love for learning and a desire for intellectual fulfillment.

Engaged Christian

Ignites a passion for the Gospel through a transformed presence

Graduates will have a personal relationship with Jesus and a desire to love and serve Him into adulthood. We encourage active involvement with their local church. With a faith that has deep roots, students will be prepared to respectfully and gently “give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)

Critical Thinker

Evaluates the entire range of experience utilizing sanctified logic and an educated imagination

Students learn how to learn, not what to learn. Therefore our students can carefully and wisely analyze information and ideas. They regularly participate in discussions that challenge them to think and discuss using the Five Common Topics, a classical tool used by great classicists such as Cicero and Aristotle

Persuasive Communicator

Listens carefully with discernment and speaks intentionally with wisdom and eloquence

We train students to write and speak constructively as they practice thoughtful articulation of beliefs and ideas. The academy’s curriculum hones writing and speaking skills, culminating with a senior thesis presentation. Limited screen time during program hours allows students to develop interpersonal skills and relationships continually.

Beauty Connoisseur

Loves and desires to uphold what is true, good, and beautiful

Plato wrote, “The aim of education is to learn to love what is worth loving.” The academy’s rich curriculum includes the study of classic literature and art to develop a deep appreciation for the great works of the past and an eye for the beauty of the world God has created.